A Chipped Dental Bridge Needs Timely Treatment

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Our dentist will often use a dental bridge to restore a lost or extracted tooth. This type of dental work includes an artificial tooth with an open dental crown secured on each end. It is cemented onto abutments prepared from the healthy core structures of the two teeth neighboring the void.

While dental bridges are very durable there are still things that can chip or fracture it. An accidental blow to the mouth during sports or problems with chronic night grinding are just two of the more common causes of dental bridge damage.

If you have noticed a problem with your dental bridge you should not delay in having it examined and treated by Dr. Jeffery Carver as soon as possible. The longer you wait the more likely you are to experience significant complications.

While you are waiting for your appointment, you shouldn’t play with the compromised dental bridge or attempt to clean it. Even a small amount of movement could lead to significant complications.

If a blow to the mouth has left blood or other unwanted material in your mouth you can gently rinse it away with a small amount of lukewarm saltwater. Any other cleaning treatments should be handled by our professionally trained staff.

Once Dr. Jeffery Carver has assessed the severity of the problem, he will present you with an effective treatment plan.

If you are in the Lake Havasu City, Arizona, area and you have a loose or damaged dental bridge, you should not delay in calling 928-855-5042 to have it examined at Quail Ridge Dental.