Sugar is the Enemy of Your Teeth

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Cavities are drastically reduced when a person’s diet consists of fewer sugars and simple carbohydrates. This is because the bacteria in your mouth increases exponentially as it feeds upon these things, so cutting back sugar stops the growth of dental decay.

In 2015, a recommendation by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) advised that sugar should be limited to 12.5 teaspoons (50 grams) per day for anyone of the age 3-years and up. Furthermore, the FDA strongly recommends that no more than 10 percent of your daily caloric intake come from sugar. The problem is, if you drink a single can of soda, that’s it. You are done with sugar for the day. For comparison, a bowl of cereal contains somewhere around 30 grams of sugar–over half of what should be your daily limit. A chocolate bar is around 35 grams. It is safe to say that the average individual is probably eating more sugar than what is recommended.

This is why it is important to read the labels when you go shopping and be aware of the amount of added sugars. You will be surprised at how prevalent added sugars are in many foods. The list will be order by weight, so the items at the top will make up most of the content. Here are the common sugars that are typically added:

-turbinado sugar
-brown sugar
-cane sugar
-confectioners’ or powdered sugar
-raw sugar
-corn sweeteners
-corn syrup
-maple syrup
-crystallized cane sugar
-malt syrup
-invert sugar
-evaporated cane juice
-high fructose corn syrup
-fruit juice concentrate

If you’d like more information about how sugar affects your oral health, call Dr. Jeffery Carver and our team at Quail Ridge Dental. Make an appointment at: 928-855-5042, or come by our office in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.